Fractal programms, sources & theory

3DFRACT.ZIP 3-d landscape generator with a sealevel using fractals. Basic source.
3DSCAPE2.ZIP 3D Fractal landscape demo source code included
BASFRACT.ZIP This Program quickly calculates a Three Dimesional appearing Fractal even though all the points are specified in one plane.
DFRAC.ZIP DFRAC v1.4, Windows95 DirectDraw Mandelbrot exploration program.
FEPFRACT.ZIP Fractal drawer (C++ source)
FRACTAL.ZIP Fractal program in basic
FRAINT.ZIP FRACTINT 19.6, DOS-based fractal generator. Generate Mandelbrot, Julia, IFS, and many more fractals in 2D and 3D, including those you design yourself. Version 19 now supports arbitrary precision which allows zooming to a depth of 10^1600, as well as generation of random dot stereograms. Copyrighted freeware.
FRASRC.ZIP Fractint 19.6 complete C and ASM source For the DOS-based fractal generator. Requires Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 or later or Borland C/C++ 3.1 or later. Object code of ASM modules supplied so an assembler is not required. Copyrighted freeware.
KAOS.ZIP Huge collection of Chaos/Fractal pascalsources
KOCHPA_1.ZIP This program is a Pascal program that generates a less then perfect von Koch curve. It uses a recusion to draw the triangles on the sides of the previous triangle.
MANDEL.ZIP Mandelbrot fractal drawer in Pascal
MANDEL_1.ZIP How to calculate the Mandelbrot
MANDEL1.ZIP Fractal generator in C
MANDEL2.ZIP Mandelbroth calculator in C++
MANDZOOM.ZIP Fractal zoom prog with asm src
MARTIN.ZIP MARTIN is a "screen-saver" fractal graphics display written in Turbo Pascal 4.0 using a formula developed by Barry Martin of Aston University and listed in "Dynamical Systems and Fractals", an excellent book by Karl-Heinz Becker and Michael D�rfler, Cambridge University Press, 1990. The central formula that generates the myriad beautiful fractal designs takes only two lines of code, and involves nothing more complex than the square root function!
PHRACT.ZIP PHRACTASMAGORIA v1.0 A cool fractal program
QUATERN.ZIP How to calculate A Quaternion (a 'Julia-Set' in 4D). It has the same formula, Z(n) = Z(n-1)^2 + C, but Z and C are quaternion numbers, not complex. A quaternion number has 1 real value, and 3 imaginary, often showed as C = (a, bi, cj, dk)
UF10.ZIP Ultra fractal 1.0 DOS program that creates images of Mandelbrot and Julia sets. 256-color or true-color, up to 20000 x 15000 pixels. Very fast, easy to use, and it contains extensive online documentation. Shareware US $25.
XFRAC304.ZIP Xfractint Version 3.04 XFRACTINT 3.04, UNIX-based fractal generator. Generate Mandelbrot, Julia, IFS, and many more fractals in 2D and 3D, including those you design yourself. Version 19 now supports arbitrary precision which allows zooming to a depth of 10^1600, as well as generation of random dot stereograms. Copyrighted freeware. (TAR-file)